Report from the Final – GP Poland – Warsaw 2019 – by Lukasz Ho Thanh

28 May 2019

46 players from Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Belgium, France, Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia attended GP Warsaw. The finalists (and their decks): Radek Wróblewski (Grinder), current European champion Ivan Chebunin (Tremere Wall), Bartek Wróblewski (Tremer Wall), Michał Kaszubowski (Girlz), Łukasz Ho Thanh (Harbringers). Seating began with Grinder and Harbringers. They were separated by Girlz. Ivan chose Harbringers as his prey, Bartek…

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Report from Pre(Post)Release by Dude

15 March 2019

March 9th, Saturday, Warsaw, Piw Paw Beerhaven at Foksal St. 16, A.D. 2019. Its rainy, gloomy and cold. Most people would rather stay home that day… Meanwhile, a dozen or so Antediluvians decides to leave their havens, break the eternal sleep and once again, after many years of slumber, take part in the Eternal Struggle. This is how the V:TES…

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First tournament ahead!

3 October 2018

Sorry for delay but many things happened lately. We were on the first tournament from polish VtES league which was held on 29.09.2018 in Częstochowa. Tomasz Kliszewski was our host. There was 21 players and the winner was Maciej "Zaraz" Kozłowski with HoS Erlik/Emerald deck. First tournament of resurrected polish VtES league turned out big success thanx to players from…

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