European Championship has ended!

29 August 2018

During the 24-27  september in Warsaw were played another European Championship in Vampire the Eternal Struggle. This was third time when Poland  hosted players from other countries and for another time it was a unforgettable moment to share. Above 130 players joined EC and during 3 days fought for the Champion title. The winner was Ivan Chebunin from Belarus. If…

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First products in store!

29 August 2018

You have to know that in both reprints of KoT there are some missprinted cards: Dmitra Ilyanova, charismatic aura and light intensifying goggles – they’re printed without some parts of text. It happened before but from the collectors view this is very interesting situation. We want to inform You about this situation. We know that the whole printed set is…

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29 August 2018

We’re running the shop from the best multipayer’s card game of all time – Vampire the Eternal Struggle. But VTES.STORE is not all about shopping. It’s about information about game itself, community, publishing plans of Black Chantry Productions – official publisher and partner for WorldOfDarkness creators White Wolf company. Soon there will be on new items from BCP, but…

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