New Blood: Brujah


4 w magazynie


New Blood: Brujah

Krypta (6 kart)
1x TBC (NEW) 8 CEL POT PRE for pro baron Brujah:6
1x Aline Gädeke 7 POT PRE cel baron Brujah:6
1x Valeriya Zinovieva 7 POT cel pre pro baron Brujah:6
1x Leumeah 6 PRE cel for pot baron Brujah:6
1x Brandon Grimes 5 CEL pot pre tha Brujah:6
1x Anita Wainwright (NEW) 3 cel pre Brujah:6

Biblioteka (48 kart)

Master (10; 2 trifle)
3x Brujah Debate
1x Celerity
1x Libertas
1x New Carthage
1x Oxford University, England
1x Powerbase: Los Angeles
2x Villein

Action (10)
2x Childe of the Revolution (NEW)
3x Line Brawl
1x Open War
2x Make the Misere
2x Public Trust

Political Action (5)
3x Consanguineous Boon
1x Disputed Territory
1x Neonate Breach
Equipment (1)
1x Stolen Police Cruiser
Reaction (9)
2x Bait and Switch
5x Organized Resistance
2x Protection Racket

Combat (13)
3x Diversion (new art)
1x Disarm
4x Dust Up
3x Immortal Grapple
2x Taste of Vitae

Nowa karta biblioteki
Childe of the Revolution
To Be Shared week commencing 23rd July.

Nowe karty krypty
Name: Anita Wainright
Clan: Brujah
Group: 6
Capacity: 3
Discipline: cel pre

Name: TBC
Clan: Brujah
Group: 7
Capacity: 8
Discipline: CEL POT PRE for pro


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